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单词 confound
释义 confound[kən'faund]vt. 使混淆, 使狼狈, 挫败 confound  con.found  AHD:  [k…n-found“, k¼n-] D.J.  [k*n6fa&nd, kKn-]K.K.  [k*n6fa&nd, k$n-]及物动词)  con.found.ed,,con.founds 1. To cause to become confused or perplexed.See Synonyms at puzzle 使困惑:使混乱或使困惑参见 puzzle2. To fail to distinguish; mix up:混淆:不能区分; 混乱:confound fiction and fact.把事实与假设混为一谈3. To make (something bad) worse:使混乱:使(坏事)更糟:Do not confound the problem by losing your temper.别乱发脾气再添乱子4. To cause to be ashamed; abash:使窘迫:使窘困;使羞愧:an invention that confounded the skeptics.使怀疑论者难堪的发明5. To damn.诅咒6. To frustrate:挫败:picayune demands that all but confounded the peace talks.这些琐碎的要求只会使和平谈判受挫7. Archaic To bring to ruination.【古语】 使毁灭语源:1. Middle English confounden 中古英语 confounden 2. from Anglo-Norman confundre 源自 英法语 confundre 3. from Latin c½nfundere [to mix together, confuse] 源自 拉丁语 c½nfundere [混合,混淆] 4. com- [com-] com- [前缀,表“和”] 5. fundere [to pour] * see  gheu- fundere [泼] *参见 gheu- 继承用法:confound“er  n.(名词)




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