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单词 consent
释义 consent[kən'sent]n. 同意, 许可vi. 同意, 赞同【医】 同意, 允诺相关词组:with the consent of...with one consentconsent to consent  con.sent  AHD:  [k…n-sµnt“] D.J.  [k*n6sent]K.K.  [k*n6sWnt]v.intr.(不及物动词)  con.sent.ed,,con.sents 1. To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree.See Synonyms at assent 同意:(对另一个人的建议等)表示赞同;同意参见 assent2. Archaic To be of the same mind or opinion.【古语】 赞同:思想或意见上的一致n.(名词)1. Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence.See Synonyms at permission 赞同:对另一个人所计划或做的事情表示接受或赞许;同意参见 permission2. Agreement as to opinion or a course of action:同意:对建议或行为的赞同:She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.大家一致同意她作选举人语源:1. Middle English consenten 中古英语 consenten 2. from Old French consentir 源自 古法语 consentir 3. from Latin c½nsent&9{ºre} 源自 拉丁语 c½nsent&9{ºre} 4. com- [com-] com- [前缀,表“合”] 5. sent&9{ºre} [to feel] * see  sent- sent&9{ºre} [感觉到] *参见 sent- 继承用法:consent“er  n.(名词)




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