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单词 constable
释义 constable['kʌnstəbl]n. 治安官, 警官, 总管【法】 警察, 警官, 巡警 constable  con.sta.ble  AHD:  [k¼n“st…-b…l, k¾n“-] D.J.  [6kKnst*b*l, 6kJn-]K.K.  [6k$nst*b*l, 6kJn-]n.Abbr. cons.,Cons.,const.,Const.(名词)缩写 cons.,Cons.,const.,Const.1. A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.治安官:管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕2. A medieval officer of high rank, usually serving as military commander in the absence of a monarch.统帅:中世纪时的高级官员,通常在君主不在的时候担任军事统帅3. The governor of a royal castle.总管:皇家城堡的总管4. Chiefly British A police officer.【多用于英国】 警官:警方官员语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French conestable 源自 古法语 conestable 3. from Late Latin comes stabul&9{º} [officer of the stable] 源自 后期拉丁语 comes stabul&9{º} [马厩的官员] 4. Latin comes [officer, companion] * see  ei- 拉丁语 comes [官员,同伴] *参见 ei- 5. Latin stabul&9{º} [genitive of] stabulum [stable] * see  st³- 拉丁语 stabul&9{º}  [] stabulum的所有格 [马厩] *参见 st³- 继承用法:con“stableship”  n.(名词) Constable  Con.sta.ble  AHD:  [k¾n“st…-b…l, k¼n“-] John (1776-1837) D.J.  [6kJnst*b*l, 6kKn-]K.K.  [6kJnst*b*l, 6k$n-]NONE(无词性)British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters.The Hay Wain  (1821) is his best-known work. 康斯太伯,约翰:(1776-1837) 英国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。《干草车》 (1821年)是他最著名的作品




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