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单词 constitution
释义 constitution[,kɒnsti'tju:ʃən]n. 构成, 宪法, 体格【医】 体质; 结构, 组织【经】 宪法, 组成, 章程构成 constitution  con.sti.tu.tion  AHD:  [k¼n”st¹-t›“sh…n, -ty›“-] D.J.  [7kKnst!6tu8.*n, -6tju8-]K.K.  [7k$nst!6tu.*n, -6tju-]n.(名词)1. The act or process of composing, setting up, or establishing.建立:构成、设立或建立的行为或过程2. The composition or structure of something; makeup.构造:某物的组成或结构;构造3. The physical makeup of a person:体质:一个人的身体特质:She was born with a strong constitution.See Synonyms at &b{physique} 他天生长就好的体格参见 physique4. Abbr. cons.,const.,Const.缩写 cons.,const.,Const.5. The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of a government or another institution.章程:规定一个政府或其它机构的性质、职责及权限的基本法律及原则体系6. The document on which such a system is recorded.宪法:记载这种体制的文件




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