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单词 convene
释义 convene[kən'vi:n]vt. 集合, 召集, 召唤vi. 聚集, 集合 convene  con.vene  AHD:  [k…n-v¶n“] D.J.  [k*n6vi8n]K.K.  [k*n6vin]v.(动词)  con.vened,,con.venes v.intr.(不及物动词)To come together usually for an official or public purpose; assemble formally.正式集会:通常为一个官方的或公开的目的聚集在一起;正式集会及物动词)1. To cause to come together formally; convoke:召集:使…正式集会;召集:convene a special session of Congress.See Synonyms at &b{call} 召开议会特别会议参见 call2. To summon to appear, as before a tribunal.传:传唤…到场,如在法庭上语源:1. Middle English convenen 中古英语 convenen 2. from Old French convenir 源自 古法语 convenir 3. from Latin conven&9{ºre} 源自 拉丁语 conven&9{ºre} 4. com- [com-] com- [前缀,表“同”] 5. ven&9{ºre} [to come] * see  g w³- ven&9{ºre} [到来] *参见 g w³- 继承用法:conven“able  adj.(形容词)conven“er  或  n.(名词)conven“or  




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