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单词 convince
释义 convince[kən'vins]vt. 说服, 使相信【法】 使确信, 使信服, 使人认识错误相关词组:convince sb of convince  con.vince  AHD:  [k…n-v¹ns“] D.J.  [k*n6v!ns]K.K.  [k*n6v!ns]及物动词)  con.vinced,, 1. To bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action.See Synonyms at persuade 说服:通过进行辩论或者提供证据使…确信或使…采取某种行为参见 persuade2. Obsolete To prove to be wrong or guilty.【废语】 证明有过错或有罪3. Obsolete To conquer; overpower.【废语】 征服;战胜语源:1. Latin convincere [to prove wrong] 拉丁语 convincere [证明有错] 2. com- [intensive pref.] * see  com- com- [前缀,表加强词意] *参见 com-3. vincere [to conquer] * see  weik- 3vincere [征服] *参见 weik- 3继承用法:convince“ment  n.(名词)convinc“er  n.(名词)convinc“ible  adj.(形容词)用法:1. According to a traditional rule,onepersuades  someone to act but convinces  someone of the truth of a statement or proposition:  根据一条习惯规则,一个人persuades (说服)某人做某事而 convinces(使确信) 某人相信一句话或一个提议的正确性:  By convincing me that no good could come of staying, he persuaded me to leave. 通过让我确信留下来没有好处,而说服我离开了。 2. If the distinction is accepted, thenconvince  should not be used with an infinitive:  如果这一区别被接受的话,那么convince 就不应和不定式连用:  He persuaded (not &I{convinced} ) &I{me to go.}  他说服(不能用 convinced ) 我离开。  3. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel held that this distinction should be maintained,but the use ofconvince  with an infinitive has become increasingly common even among reputable writers, and it is unlikely that this stricture can be maintained for much longer.在更早的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组成员的大多数人认为这一区别应当保持,但是甚至在知名作家中convince 和不定式连用的用法也已变得日渐普遍起来, 这一限制不可能会保持很久




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