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单词 copper
释义 copper['kɒpə]n. 铜, 警察【化】 铜Cu【医】 铜(29号元素) copper 1  copper 1  AHD:  [k¼p“…r] D.J.  [6kKp*]K.K.  [6k$p+]n.(名词)1. Symbol Cu A ductile, malleable, reddish-brown metallic element that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is widely used for electrical wiring, water piping, and corrosion-resistant parts, either pure or in alloys such as brass and bronze. Atomic number 29; atomic weight 63.54; melting point 1,083&9{=}C; boiling point 2,595&9{=}C; specific gravity 8.96; valence 1, 2.See table at element 符号 Cu 铜:一种有韧性、可延展的红棕色金属元素,是热和电的极好导体,广泛用于电线、水管及防腐蚀零件中,其形式可以是纯铜也可以是黄铜或青铜合金。原子序数为29;原子量为63.54;熔点1,083&9{=}C;沸点2,595&9{=}C;比重8.96;原子价为1,2参见 element2. A coin, usually of small denomination, made of copper or a copper alloy.铜币:用铜或铜的合金制成的硬币,通常为小面值3. Chiefly British A large cooking pot made of copper or often of iron.【多用于英国】 金属锅:用铜或铁铸成的大煮锅4. Any of various small butterflies of the subfamily Lycaeninae, having predominantly copper-colored wings.铜色(小)灰蝶:一种灰蝶亚科的小蝴蝶,翅膀主要为铜色5. Color A reddish brown.【色彩】 紫铜色:偏红的褐色及物动词)  cop.pered,,cop.pers 1. To coat or finish with a layer of copper.镀铜于:给…包铜或镀铜2. Slang To bet against, as in faro.【俚语】 下赌注于:对…下赌注,如在法罗牌中语源:1. Middle English coper 中古英语 coper 2. from Old English 源自 古英语 3. from Late Latin cuprum 源自 后期拉丁语 cuprum 4. from Latin Cyprium (aes) [Cyprian (metal)] 源自 拉丁语 Cyprium (aes) [塞浦路斯的(金属)] 5. from Cyprius [of Cyprus] 源自 Cyprius [塞浦路斯的] 6. from Greek Kuprios 源自 希腊语 Kuprios 7. from Kupros [Cyprus] 源自 Kupros [塞浦路斯] 继承用法:cop“pery  adj.(形容词) copper 2  copper 2  AHD:  [k¼p“…r] D.J.  [6kKp*]K.K.  [6k$p+]n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 A police officer.警察语源:From cop 1源自 cop1




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