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单词 affect
释义 affect[ə'fekt]vt. 影响, 感动, 假装, 模仿, 爱好, 倾向于n. 自觉感情【医】 感情, 情感 affect 1  affect 1  AHD:  […-fµkt“] D.J.  [*6fekt]K.K.  [*6fWkt]AHD:  [²f“µkt”]及物动词)  af.fect.ed,,af.fects 1. To have an influence on or effect a change in:影响:影响或使发生变化:Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力2. To act on the emotions of; touch or move.打动:作用于…的感情;打动或感动3. To attack or infect, as a disease:侵袭:疾病侵害或感染:Rheumatic fever can affect the heart.风湿热能感染心脏n.(名词)1. Psychology 【心理学】 2. A feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or action.感情:有别于认识,思想或行为的感情或情感3. A strong feeling having active consequences.强烈的感情:具有积极后果的强烈的感情4. Obsolete A disposition, feeling, or tendency.【废语】 性格,感情,倾向语源:1. Latin afficere  affect- 拉丁语 afficere  affect- 2. ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表“朝向”] 3. facere [to do] * see  dh¶- facere [做] *参见 dh¶- 参考词汇:1. affect,influence,impress,touch,move,strike2. These verbs are compared as they mean to produce a mental or emotional effect. To这些动词可以相互比较,因为他们都表示产生心理或情感上的影响。对于3. affect   is to act upon a person's emotions: affect , 是指作用于人的感情: The adverse criticism the book received didn't affect the author one way or another.对这本书的敌对性评论丝毫没有影响该作家。4. Influence   implies a degree of control or sway over the thinking and actions, as well as the emotions, of another: influence  暗含对他人感情,思想以及行为的控制及左右的程度: 西藏的风光给他留下了非同寻常的印象 (多丽丝·克恩斯·奎因)。5. Touch   usually means to arouse a tender response, such as love, gratitude, or compassion: Touch  通常指激起一种温柔的反应,例如爱,感激或激情: “The tributes [to the two deceased musicians] &I{were fitting and touching”}   (Daniel Cariaga).“颂辞 恰如其分,感人至深”  (丹尼尔·卡里亚哥)。6. Move   suggests profound emotional effect that sometimes leads to action or has a further consequence: Move  暗指深刻的情感效果,有时导致行动或具有进一步后果: The account of her experiences as a refugee moved us to tears.她的难民经历的描述感动得我们热泪盈眶。7. Strike   implies keenness or force of mental response to a stimulus: Strike  暗含对刺激反应的强烈感情或心理力量: I was struck by the sudden change in his behavior. 我对他行为的突变而感到震惊 用法:1. Affect 1  and effect  have no senses in common. As a verbaffect 1  is most commonly used in the sense of “to influence” (  Affect 1 和 effect 没有共同之处。 作为动词affect 1 常用于表示“影响”(  how smoking affects health).  &I{Effect}  吸烟如何影响健康)。  Effect  2. means “to bring about or execute”: 指“使发生或完成”: layoffs designed to effect savings. 旨在完成存款的歇业。 3. Thus the sentenceThese measures may affect savings   could imply that the measures may reduce savings that have already been realized,whereasThese measures may effect savings   implies that the measures will cause new savings to come about.因而句子这些措施可能影响存款  暗含这些措施可能减少本以已实现的存款,而这些措施可能完成存款  则暗含这些措施将导致新的存款的产生 affect 2  affect 2  AHD:  […-fµkt“] D.J.  [*6fekt]K.K.  [*6fWkt]及物动词)  af.fect.ed,,af.fects 1. To put on a false show of; simulate:假装:装出…的一副假象;冒充:affected a British accent.See Synonyms at &b{pretend} 假装英国口音参见 pretend2. To have or show a liking for:喜欢:具有或表示…的喜好:affects dramatic clothes.喜欢穿戏剧服装3. Archaic To fancy; love.【古语】 喜欢;爱4. To tend to by nature; tend to assume:趋向:本质上倾向于;倾向于具有:a substance that affects crystalline form.呈晶体状的物质5. To imitate; copy:模仿;仿制:“Spenser, in affecting the ancients, writ no language”(&b{Ben Jonson})“斯宾塞,模仿古人不用语言写作”(本·琼森)语源:1. Middle English affecten 中古英语 affecten 2. from Latin affect³re [to strive after] 源自 拉丁语 affect³re [力求] 3. frequentative of afficere  affect- [to affect, influence] * see  affect 1afficere的重复  affect- [影响] *参见 affect1继承用法:affect“er  n.(名词)




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