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单词 affiliate
释义 affiliate[ə'filieit]vt. 使紧密联系, 使附属, 接纳, 收养vi. 发生联系, 参加【经】 联号, 联营公司 affiliate  af.fil.i.ate  AHD:  […-f¹l“¶-³t”] D.J.  [*6f!li87e!t]K.K.  [*6f!li7et]AHD:  [-¶-¹t, -³t”] v.(动词),,af.fil.i.ates及物动词)1. To adopt or accept as a member, subordinate associate, or branch.接纳,隶属:接纳或接受为成员、隶属伙伴或分支机构2. To associate (oneself) as a subordinate, subsidiary, employee, or member:使发生联系:联系以使(自己)成为部属、副手、雇员或成员:affiliated herself with a new law firm.使她成为一家新律师事务所的雇员3. To assign the origin of.追溯:追溯…的起源v.intr.(不及物动词)To become closely connected or associated:紧密联合,紧密联系:The two unions voted to affiliate.两家工会投票决定联合n.(名词)A person, an organization, or an establishment associated with another as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member:成员,分支机构:作为部属、副手或成员与其他人、其它组织或其它机构发生联系的人、组织或机构:network affiliates.网络成员语源:1. Medieval Latin aff&9{ºli³re} [to adopt] 中世纪拉丁语 aff&9{ºli³re} [接纳] 2. Latin ad- [ad-] 拉丁语 ad- [前缀,表“朝向”] 3. Latin f&9{ºlius} [son] * see  dh¶(i)- 拉丁语 f&9{ºlius} [儿子] *参见 dh¶(i)- 继承用法:affil”ia“tion  n.(名词)




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