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单词 cornucopia
释义 cornucopia[,kɒ:nju'kəupiə]n. 丰盛【医】 外侧隐窝(第四脑室) cornucopia  AHD:  [kôr”n…-k½“p¶-…, -ny…-] D.J.  [7k%8n*6k*&pi8*, -nj*-]K.K.  [7k%rn*6kopi*, -nj*-]n.(名词)1. A goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity.Also called  horn of plenty 丰饶角饰:装满水果、花朵和谷物用来象征繁荣的山羊角也作  horn of plenty2. Greek Mythology The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired.【希腊神话】 丰饶之角:哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并装满了水果。在神话中,它装满其主人希望得到的任何东西3. A cone-shaped ornament or receptacle.装饰品:一种锥形的装饰品或容器4. An overflowing store; an abundance:富裕:满满的存储;富裕:a cornucopia of employment opportunities.充足的就业机会语源:1. Late Latin corn&9{¿c½pia} 后期拉丁语 corn&9{¿c½pia} 2. from Latin corn&9{¿ c½piae} 源自 拉丁语 corn&9{¿ c½piae} 3. corn&9{¿} [horn] * see  cornu corn&9{¿} [角] *参见 cornu4. c½piae [genitive of] c½pia [plenty] * see  op- c½piae  [] c½pia的所有格 [大量的] *参见 op- 继承用法:cor”nuco“pian  adj.(形容词)




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