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单词 affirmative
释义 affirmative[ə'fə:mətiv]a. 肯定的, 赞成的, 积极的n. 肯定语【法】 确认的, 证实的, 肯定的 affirmative  AHD:  […-fûr“m…-t¹v] D.J.  [*6fT8m*t!v]K.K.  [*6fPm*t!v]adj.(形容词)1. Asserting that something is true or correct, as with the answer “yes”:肯定的:断言某事是真实的或正确的,如回答“是”:an affirmative reply.肯定的答复2. Giving assent or approval; confirming:同意的:表示同意或赞成的;确定的:an affirmative vote.赞成票3. Positive; optimistic:积极的;乐观的:an affirmative outlook.乐观的展望4. Logic Of, relating to, or being a proposition in which the predicate affirms something about the subject, such as the statementapples have seeds.  【逻辑学】 肯定的:属于、关于或为谓项证实主项事实的命题的。例如陈述句apples have seeds(苹果有种子)  n.(名词)1. A word or statement of agreement or assent, such as the wordyes.  肯定词:表示同意或赞成的词或陈述,如词汇是  2. The side in a debate that upholds the proposition:正方:辩论中支持提议的一方:Her team will speak for the affirmative.她所在的队伍将作为正方辩护adv.(副词)Informal Used in place of the response “yes” to express confirmation or consent.【非正式用语】 赞同:用于代替“是”表示肯定或赞同继承用法:affir“matively  adv.(副词)用法:The expressionsin the affirmative  and in the negative,   as inShe answered in the affirmative,  are generally regarded as pompous. She answered yes  would be more acceptable even at the most formal levels of style. 词组in the affirmative(肯定地) 及 in the negative(否定地) , 如在She answered in the affirmative(她肯定地回答) 中, 通常被认为是夸大其辞的。She answered yes(她答是) 这一用法既使是在最正式的文体中也更易于接受




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