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单词 correction
释义 correction[kə'rekʃən]n. 订正, 改正, 改正的地方【化】 校正【医】 矫正, 校正, 改正; 校正数【经】 修正相关词组:under correction correction  cor.rec.tion  AHD:  [k…-rµk“sh…n] D.J.  [k*6rek.*n]K.K.  [k*6rWk.*n]n.Abbr. cor.,corr.(名词)缩写 cor.,corr.1. The act or process of correcting.改正:改正的行动或过程2. Something offered or substituted for a mistake or fault:改正物:为错误或过失提供的或代替错误或过失的东西:made corrections in the report.在报告中作修改3. Punishment intended to rehabilitate or improve.处罚:为复原或提高而进行的惩罚4. corrections The treatment of offenders through a system of penal incarceration, rehabilitation, probation, and parole, or the administrative system by which these are effectuated.corrections 教养:对罪犯通过处罚禁闭,教养、缓刑以及假释或者行政制度这些有效管理方式5. An amount or quantity added or subtracted in order to correct.改正量:为改正而加入或抽除的数或质6. A decline in stock-market activity or prices following a period of increases.回落:在股票事务中的下降或经过一段时期的升值继承用法:correc“tional  adj.(形容词)




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