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单词 correspondence
释义 correspondence[,kɒri'spɒndəns]n. 相符, 通信, 信件【医】 对应, 相对【经】 通信关系, 往来信件相关词组:bring...into correspondence within correspondence toin correspondence with correspondence  AHD:  [kôr”¹-sp¼n“d…ns, k¼r”-] D.J.  [7k%8r!6spKnd*ns, 7kKr-]K.K.  [7k%r!6sp$nd*ns, 7k$r-]n.Abbr. cor.,corr.(名词)缩写 cor.,corr.1. The act, fact, or state of agreeing or conforming.和谐:和谐一致的行为、事实或状态2. Similarity or analogy.相似:相近或类似3. Communication by the exchange of letters.通信联系:通过信的交换而进行的交流4. The letters written or received.信件:写的或收到的信件adj.(形容词)1. Of, relating to, or dealing with correspondence:通信的,处理信件的:通信的,与信件有关的或处理信件的:a correspondence secretary.处理信件的秘书2. Of, relating to, or constituting instruction by mail:函授:通过邮政教学的,组成函授教学的:correspondence courses in French and mathematics.法语和数学函授教程




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