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单词 couch
释义 couch[kautʃ]n. 长沙发, 睡椅, 卧榻vt. 横躺, 表达vi. 躺下, 蹲伏【建】 层, 床, 压出 couch  couch  AHD:  [kouch] D.J.  [ka&t.]K.K.  [ka&t.]n.(名词)1. A sofa.沙发:沙发2. A sofa on which a patient lies while undergoing psychoanalysis or psychiatric treatment.长榻,躺椅:病人躺在上面进行心理分析或精神病治疗的一种沙发3. The frame or floor on which grain, usually barley, is spread in malting.麦芽床:框架或地板,在上面播撒谷物以使其发芽,通常是大麦4. A layer of grain, usually barley, spread to germinate.一层麦粒:播撒在麦芽床上来使之发芽的一层麦粒,通常是大麦5. A priming coat of paint or varnish used in artistic painting.涂底,涂层:用于艺术绘画中的涂底漆的画布或画板v.(动词)  couched,,及物动词)1. To word in a certain manner; phrase:措辞:以某种方式表达;措辞:couched their protests in diplomatic language.以外交辞令来表达他们的抗议2. To cause (oneself) to lie down, as for rest.使躺卧:使(自己)躺下,如为了休息3. To embroider by laying thread flat on a surface and fastening it by stitches at regular intervals.刺绣:在表面上平着缝线并在规律间隔用针角固定来刺绣4. To spread (grain) on a couch to germinate, as in malting.播撒谷物使发芽:在麦芽床上播撒(谷物)以使之发芽,例如酿酒时5. To lower (a spear, for example) to horizontal position, as for an attack.平握:象准备攻击时放低(如矛)到水平位置v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To lie down; recline, as for rest.躺卧:躺下;斜倚,例如休息时2. To lie in ambush or concealment; lurk.隐蔽,埋伏:潜伏或隐蔽时躺下;埋伏3. To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation.使成堆:成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵语源:1. Middle English couche 中古英语 couche 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from couchier [to lay down, lie down] 源自 couchier [放下,躺下] 4. from Latin colloc³re * see  collocate 源自 拉丁语 colloc³re *参见 collocate继承用法:couch“er  n.(名词)




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