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单词 cough
释义 cough[kɒf]n. 咳嗽vi. 咳嗽vt. 咳出【医】 咳(嗽)相关词组:cough downcough outcough upcough up sth cough  cough  AHD:  [kôf, k¼f] D.J.  [k%8f, kKf]K.K.  [k%f, k$f]v.(动词)  coughed,,coughs v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To expel air from the lungs suddenly and noisily, often to keep the respiratory passages free of irritating material.咳,咳嗽:从肺里突然的带有声响地排出气体,通常为了使呼吸道不受物质阻碍2. To make a noise similar to noisy expulsion of air from the lungs:发出咳嗽般的声音:制造象从肺里有声音地放气般的声音,发出象咳嗽般的声音:The engine coughed and died.发动机喀隆了几声就熄火了及物动词)To expel by coughing:通过咳嗽排出:coughed up phlegm.咳出痰n.(名词)1. The act of coughing.咳嗽:咳嗽的动作2. An illness marked by frequent coughing.咳嗽病:以经常性咳嗽为特点的病常用词组:cough up 【俚语】  1. To hand over or relinquish (money or another possession), often reluctantly.勉强交出:掏出或放弃(金钱或其他财产),通常是不情愿地2. To confess or disclose:承认或供出:When he saw that the police might arrest him, he coughed up the details of what he had seen.当他意识到警察也许会逮捕他,才全盘托出他看到的一切语源:1. Middle English coughen 中古英语 coughen 2. [ultimately of imitative origin] [极大程度上源自模仿]




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