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单词 council
释义 council['kaunsəl]n. 会议, 委员会【经】 委员会 council  coun.cil  AHD:  [koun“s…l] D.J.  [6ka&ns*l]K.K.  [6ka&ns*l]n.(名词)1. An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion.会议:召集在一起进行咨询、评议和讨论的一群人2. A body of people elected or appointed to serve in an administrative, legislative, or advisory capacity.委员会,理事会:选出或委派的行使行政、司法和协商功能的群体3. An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.会议、公会议:教会官员和神学研究者的集会,来规定宗教条例和原则等事务4. The discussion or deliberation that takes place in such an assembly or body.商议:在这种集会或群体中进行的讨论和评议n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用来修饰另一个名词:a council chamber; the council table.议事厅;议事桌语源:1. Middle English counceil 中古英语 counceil 2. from Old French concile 源自 古法语 concile 3. from Latin concilium * see  kel…- 2源自 拉丁语 concilium *参见 kel…- 2用法:Council, counsel,  and consul  are never interchangeable as such, though their meanings are related.Council and councilor refer principally to a deliberative assembly (such as a city council or student council), its work, and its membership. Counsel and counselor  pertain chiefly to advice and guidance in general and to a person (such as a lawyer or camp counselor) who provides it.Consul  denotes an officer in the foreign service of a country. Council,counsel 和 consul 是不能互相代替的, 尽管他们的意义有联系。Council 和 councilor 主要指评议集会(例如市议会或学生会),及其工作和会籍。 Counsel 和 counselor 主要涉及大体上的建议和指导, 并涉及提供建议的人(如律师或军营参谋者)。Consul 指参与国家外事服务的官员




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