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单词 county
释义 county['kaunti]n. 县, 郡 county  coun.ty  AHD:  [koun“t¶] D.J.  [6ka&nti8]K.K.  [6ka&nti]n.(名词)  【复数】 coun.ties 缩写 co,co.1. An administrative subdivision of a state in the United States.县:美国一州的行政分支2. A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland.郡:大不列颠和爱尔兰的行使行政、司法和政治功能的疆土分支3. The territory under the jurisdiction of a count or earl.伯爵领地:由伯爵或郡主管辖之下的土地4. The people living in a county.郡民,县民:居住在郡或县的人民语源:1. Middle English counte [territorial division] 中古英语 counte [疆域分支] 2. from Old French conte [the territory of a count] 源自 古法语 conte [郡主的辖区] 3. from Medieval Latin comit³tus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 comit³tus 4. from Late Latin [the office of count] 源自 后期拉丁语 [郡主的办公室] 5. from Latin [retinue] 源自 拉丁语 [随从,侍从] 6. from comes  comit- [companion] * see  ei- 源自 comes  comit- [伙伴,同伴] *参见 ei- 继承用法:coun“ty  adj.(形容词)




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