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单词 cradle
释义 cradle['kreidl]n. 摇篮, 发祥地, 孩提时代vt. 放在摇篮内, 抚育vi. 刈割【医】 支架; 摇床相关词组:from the cradle to the gravein the cradlefrom the cradle cradle  cra.dle  AHD:  [kr³d“l] D.J.  [6kre!dl]K.K.  [6kred1]n.(名词)1. A small low bed for an infant, often furnished with rockers.摇篮:一种为婴儿准备的小而低矮的床,通常装有弯杆2. The earliest period of life:婴儿时期:人生的最早阶段:from the cradle to the grave.从生到死3. A place of origin; a birthplace:发源地;出生地:the cradle of civilization.文明的发源地4. A framework of wood or metal used to support something, such as a ship undergoing construction or repair.支架:用以支撑某物的木制或金属框架,如正在建造中或维修中的船只5. A framework used to protect an injured limb.护架:保护受伤的四肢的支架6. A low flat framework that rolls on casters, used by a mechanic working beneath an automobile.Also called  creeper 轮脚架:在汽车底下工作的修理工使用的、在脚轮上滚动的低平框架也作  creeper7. The part of a telephone that contains the connecting switch upon which the receiver and mouthpiece unit is supported.叉簧:电话机中包括接线开关、搁电话听筒和送话器的那部分8. A frame projecting above a scythe, used to catch grain as it is cut so that it can be laid flat.摇篮架:大镰刀上的突起框架,是用来使割下来的作物平整放置的配件9. A scythe equipped with such a frame.镰刀:装配有摇篮架的大镰刀10. A boxlike device furnished with rockers, used for washing gold-bearing dirt.洗矿槽:一种用来清洗含金土的带有弯杆的盒状器械v.(动词)  cra.dled,cra.dling,cra.dles及物动词)1. To place or retain in or as if in a cradle.放在摇篮里:把…放置或留在摇篮里或似摇篮物里2. To care for or nurture in infancy.抚养:在婴儿期照料或养育婴儿3. To hold or support protectively:紧抱:保护性地拥住或环抱:cradled the cat in his arms.怀抱着小猫4. To reap (grain) with a cradle.收割:用附有摇篮架的大镰刀收割(作物)5. To place or support (a ship, for example) in a cradle.置于支架上:用支架放置或支撑(如船只)6. To wash (gold-bearing dirt) in a cradle.在洗矿槽中淘洗(含金土)v.intr.Obsolete (不及物动词)【废语】 To lie in or as if in a cradle.躺在摇篮里:躺在摇篮中或象是躺在摇篮中语源:1. Middle English cradel 中古英语 cradel 2. from Old English 源自 古英语 继承用法:cra“dler  n.(名词)




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