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单词 criticize
释义 criticize['kritisaiz]vt. 批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难vi. 批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难 criticize  crit.i.cize  AHD:  [kr¹t“¹-sºz”] D.J.  [6kr!t!7sa!z]K.K.  [6kr!t!7sa!z]v.(动词)  crit.i.cized,,及物动词)1. To find fault with:挑剔:criticized the decision as unrealistic.See Usage Note at &b{critique} 批评这个决定是不合实际的参见 critique2. To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate.分析,评估:评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价v.intr.(不及物动词)To act as a critic.批评,评判继承用法:crit“iciz”able  adj.(形容词)crit“iciz”er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. criticize,blame,reprehend,censure,condemn,denounce2. These verbs are compared as they mean to express an unfavorable judgment.这些动词在表达作出不利判断的意思时可作比较。3. Criticize   can mean merely to evaluate good and bad points without necessarily finding fault: Criticize  这一词可以只指评价好的方面和差的方面,而不一定有非难之意: The reviewer roundly criticized the novel.评论家直言不讳地批评了这本小说。4. Blame   emphasizes the finding of fault and the fixing of responsibility: Blame  这个词强调了非难和负担责任的意思: “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are”  (George Bernard Shaw).“人们经常责备使他们成为现在这个样子的周围环境”  (乔治·萧伯纳)。5. Reprehend   implies sharp disapproval: Reprehend  含有强烈反对的意思: “reprehends students who have protested apartheid”  (New York Times).“严厉谴责那些宣扬种族隔离政策的学生”  (《纽约时报》)。6. Censure   refers to open and strong expression of criticism;often it implies a formal reprimand: Censure  指的是公开和强烈的批评之意;它通常含有正式谴责的意思: “No man can justly censure or condemn another,because indeed no man truly knows another”  (Thomas Browne).“没有人能够公正地苛评或谴责他人,因为事实上没有人能够真正地了解他人”  (托马斯·布朗)。7. Condemn   denotes the pronouncement of harshly adverse judgment: Condemn  表示的是对十分不利的判断的宣称之意: “The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated”  (Robert H. Jackson).“我们试图谴责和惩罚的那些不公正的事是如此地故意、有害和有破坏性,以致于人类文明无法容忍它们被忽略不计,因为它无法在它们重复发生后得以幸存”  (罗伯特·H·杰克逊)。8. Denounce   implies public proclamation of condemnation or repudiation: Denounce  含有对谴责或否定的公开宣称之意: The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution. 新闻界痛斥了对反革命的暗中支持




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