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单词 cry
释义 cry[krai]n. 叫声, 哭声, 大叫vi. 哭, 叫, 喊vt. 叫喊, 大声说, 哭出【医】 喊叫, 呼号相关词组:within crycry over sthgive a cryhave a good crycry againstcry backcry downcry outhave one's cry outcry forcry offcry out for sthcry over spilt milkcry upfollow in the cryin full crylift up a crymuch cry and little wool cry  cry  AHD:  [krº] D.J.  [kra!]K.K.  [kra!]v.(动词)  cried[krºd],cries[krºz]  v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep.啜泣,哭泣:由于悲伤、伤心或痛苦而啜泣或流泪;哭泣2. To call loudly; shout.大声叫喊;呼喊3. To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal.号叫,啼:发出一种特有的声音或叫声。用于指动物4. To demand or require immediate action or remedy:要求补救:要求或命令即刻行动或作出补救:grievances crying out for redress.有委屈要求赔偿及物动词)1. To utter loudly; call out.大声地说;叫喊2. To proclaim or announce in public:公开宣布,公开叫卖:crying one's wares in the marketplace.在市场大声叫卖货物3. To bring into a particular condition by weeping:哭得…:通过哭泣进入某一状态:cry oneself to sleep.哭得睡着了4. Archaic To beg for; implore:【古语】 恳求;哀求:cry forgiveness.乞求宽恕n.(名词)  【复数】 cries[krºz]  1. A loud utterance of an emotion, such as fear, anger, or despair.叫喊声:表达某种感情的大叫声,如恐惧、生气或绝望2. A loud exclamation; a shout or call.大声呼喊;呼叫,叫喊3. A fit of weeping:一阵哭泣:had a good long cry.哭了一阵子4. An urgent entreaty or appeal.哀求,恳求:紧急请求或呼吁5. A public or general demand or complaint.抱怨:公众的或普遍的要求或抱怨6. A common view or general report.舆论:共同的意见或普遍的传闻7. An advertising of wares by calling out:叫卖声:通过叫喊为货物所作的广告:venders' cries at the fish market.鱼市场上小贩的叫卖声8. A rallying call or signal:号令:集合的呼喊或信号:a cry to arms.鼓舞士气9. A slogan, especially a political one.政治口号:口号,尤指政治口号10. The characteristic call or utterance of an animal.动物叫声:动物的特有叫声或响声11. The baying of hounds during the chase.吠声:猎犬追猎时发出的吠声12. A pack of hounds.一群猎犬13. Obsolete Clamor; outcry.【废语】 呐喊;喧嚷14. Obsolete A public announcement; a proclamation.【废语】 公告:公开的通告;公告常用词组:cry down  To belittle or disparage.轻视,贬低cry off  To break or withdraw from a promise, agreement, or undertaking.毁约:违反或取消誓言、合约或承诺cry up  To praise highly; extol.高度赞扬;赞颂习惯用语:cry havoc  To sound an alarm; warn.发出警报;警告cry (one's) eyes out 或  cry (one's) heart out  To weep inconsolably for a long time.痛哭流涕:长时间地伤心欲绝地哭泣cry on (someone's) shoulder  To tell one's problems to someone else in an attempt to gain sympathy or consolation.获取安慰:把烦恼告诉别人试图获得同情或安慰cry over spilled milk  To regret in vain what cannot be undone or rectified.无益地后悔:对未能完成或不能恢复的事情作徒劳的后悔cry wolf  To raise a false alarm.发出错误警报in full cry  In hot pursuit, as hounds hunting.拼命追击:全力追击中,如猎犬追猎语源:1. Middle English crien 中古英语 crien 2. from Old French crier 源自 古法语 crier 3. from Vulgar Latin *crit³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *crit³re 4. from Latin quir&9{ºt³re} [to cry out] 源自 拉丁语 quir&9{ºt³re} [呼喊] 参考词汇:1. cry,weep,wail,keen,whimper,sob,blubber2. These verbs mean to make inarticulate sounds of grief, unhappiness, or pain.这些动词的意思都指发出表示悲伤、不高兴或痛苦的口齿不清的声音。3. Cry   andweep  both involve the shedding of tears; cry  more strongly implies accompanying sound:  Cry  和weep 都与流眼泪有关; cry 则更强烈地表示伴随的声音:  “I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone”  (Theodore Roethke).“我为我孤独时的样子而哭泣” (西奥多·罗斯克)。4. Wail   refers primarily to sustained, inarticulate mournful sound: Wail  主要指的是持续的、口齿不清的哀悼声: “The women . . . began to wail together;they mourned with shrill cries”  (Joseph Conrad).“女人们…开始一起嚎啕大哭;她们尖声叫喊着进行哀悼” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。5. Keen   suggests the wailing associated with lamentation for those who have died: Keen  指的是与哀悼那些死者有关的恸哭: “It is the wild Irish women keening over their dead”  (George A. Lawrence).“是那些放荡的爱尔兰妇女在为她们的死者恸哭” (乔治·A.劳伦斯)。6. Whimper   refers to low, plaintive broken or repressed cries,as those made by a child: Whimper  指的是低声的、伤心的、断断续续的或受压抑的哭泣,如小孩发出的哭声: The condemned prisoner cowered and began to whimper for clemency.那个被判罪的囚犯抖缩着并开始抽泣请求宽恕。7. Sob   describes weeping or a mixture of broken speech and weeping marked by convulsive breathing or gasping: Sob  描述的是哭泣或者以强烈的呼吸声或喘气声为特征的断断续续的讲话和哭泣声的混合: “sobbing and crying, and wringing her hands as if her heart would break”  (Laurence Sterne).“啜泣着并叫喊着,紧握着双手,她的心好象马上就会破碎似的” (劳伦斯·斯特恩)。8. Blubber   refers to noisy, unrestrained shedding of tears accompanied by broken or inarticulate speech: Blubber  指的是嘈杂地、无拘束地流眼泪并伴有断断续续的或口齿不清的讲话声: He blubbered like a child who had been spanked. 他象一个被打屁股的小孩一样放声大哭起来




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