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单词 culprit
释义 culprit['kʌlprit]n. 犯人, 罪犯, 刑事被告【法】 犯罪者, 犯人, 罪犯 culprit  cul.prit  AHD:  [k¾l“pr¹t] D.J.  [6kJlpr!t]K.K.  [6kJlpr!t]n.(名词)1. One charged with an offense or crime.罪犯:被指控违法或犯罪的人2. One guilty of a fault or crime.犯过失者,犯罪的人语源:1. Probably from cul. prit 可能源自 cul. prit 2. abbreviation for Anglo-Norman *culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille [guilty: (I am) ready to aver our indictment] 英法语 *culpable的缩写: prit d'averrer nostre bille [证明有罪的:(我)将要证明我们的控告属实] 3. culpable [guilty]  from Latin culp³bilis * see  culpable culpable [有罪的]  源自 拉丁语 culp³bilis *参见 culpable4. *prit [ready]  variant of prest  from Latin praest½ * see  presto *prit [准备就绪的]   prest的变体  源自 拉丁语 praest½ *参见 presto注释:According to British legal tradition,the wordculprit  comes from cul. prit,   an abbreviation of the Anglo-Norman legal phraseCulpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille.   These words, said by the clerk of the crown in response to a not-guilty plea,meant, “Guilty: I am ready to aver our indictment.”After law French went out of official use in the courts,the shortened formcul. prit  was misinterpreted as a term of address used by the clerk to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony and pleading “not guilty.” Culprit  is first recorded in such a use in 1678. The term was thereafter taken to mean “the accused,”and then, by association with Latinculpa,  “guilt,” it came to mean “a guilty party.”根据英国法律的传统,culprit 一词源于 cul. prit , 这是英国法语的法律短语Culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille 的缩略语。 这些词语是王国政府的书记员在回答对于被指控罪名不服的申诉时所说的,意思是:“证明有罪的:我将要证实我们的控告属实。”在诺曼人的法律法语不限于在法庭中使用后,其缩略形式cul.prit 被错误地理解为一种称呼,书记员用它来称呼被控犯有判国罪或重罪但又申辩“无罪”的犯人。 Culprit 一词最早在1678年以这种用法被记录下来。 这个词语自那以后被用来指“被控告的人”,然后它与拉丁语culpa “有罪的”一词相联系, 用来表示“被证明有罪的一方”




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