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单词 Cupid
释义 Cupidn. 丘比特, 丘比特画像, 美男孩 Cupid  AHD:  [ky›“p¹d] D.J.  [6kju8p!d]K.K.  [6kjup!d]n.(名词)1. Roman Mythology The god of love; the son of Venus.【罗马神话】 丘比特:爱之神;维纳斯的儿子2. cupid A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow and arrow, used as a symbol of love.cupid 丘比特画像:丘比特作为小天使般的少年裸体画像,通常有双翼并手持弓箭,被用作爱的象征语源:1. Middle English Cupide 中古英语 Cupide 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin cup&9{ºd½} [desire, Cupid] 源自 拉丁语 cup&9{ºd½} [欲望,丘比特] 4. from cupere [to desire] 源自 cupere [渴望]




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