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单词 agglutination
释义 agglutination[ə,glu:ti'neiʃən]n. 粘着, 胶合, 粘结团【化】 烧结; 烧结作用; 凝集; 凝集作用【医】 凝集; 愈合(创口) agglutination  AHD:  […-gl›t”n-³“sh…n] D.J.  [*7glu8tn6e!.*n]K.K.  [*7glut26e.*n]n.(名词)1. The act or process of agglutinating; adhesion of distinct parts.粘结;胶合:粘结的行为或过程;独立部分的粘结2. A clumped mass of material formed by agglutination.Also called  agglutinate 粘结团:通过粘结而形成的聚集物质团块也作  agglutinate3. Linguistics The formation of words from morphemes that retain their original forms and meanings with little change during the combination process.【语言学】 粘着法构词:指词素在结合过程中基本保留原来的形式和意义的构词法4. The clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria, usually in response to a particular antibody.凝集:红血球或细菌通常对某种抗体反应后所产生的凝集




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