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单词 curious
释义 curious['kjuəriəs]a. 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的相关词组:be curious about curious  cu.ri.ous  AHD:  [ky‹r“¶-…s] D.J.  [6kj&*ri8*s]K.K.  [6kj&ri*s]adj.(形容词)1. Eager to learn more:好学的:想要知道更多的:curious investigators; a trap door that made me curious.好学的研究者;会上下活动的门使我惊奇不已2. Unduly inquisitive; prying.过分好奇的;爱打听的3. Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness:新奇的,古怪的:因新奇或奇怪而使人产生兴趣的:a curious fact.奇怪的事实4. Archaic 【古语】 5. Accomplished with skill or ingenuity.技艺熟练的,精巧的6. Extremely careful; scrupulous.非常仔细的;严谨的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French curios 源自 古法语 curios 3. from Latin c&9{¿ri½sus} [careful, inquisitive] 源自 拉丁语 c&9{¿ri½sus} [仔细的,过分好奇的] 4. from c&9{¿ra} [care] * see  cure 源自 c&9{¿ra} [细心] *参见 cure继承用法:cu“riously  adv.(副词)cu“riousness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. curious,inquisitive,snoopy,nosy2. These adjectives apply to persons who show a marked desire for information or knowledge.这些形容词指对信息或知识表现出强烈欲望的人。3. Curious   most often implies an avid desire to know or learn,though it can suggest an undue interest in the affairs of others: Curious  大多数通常指有强烈的求知欲望,但它也表示对他人事物的过度兴趣: A curious child is a teacher's delight.老师喜欢有求知欲的孩子。4. Inquisitive   frequently suggests excessive curiosity and the asking of many questions: Inquisitive  常用于指过分的好奇并问许多问题: “Remember, no revolvers.The police are, I believe, proverbially inquisitive”  (Lord Dunsany).Both&I{snoopy}  and &I{nosy}  imply an unworthy motive. “记住,不要用左轮手枪。我认为,众所周知警察对此多管闲事” (康西尼勋爵)。Snoopy 和 nosy 都用来指卑鄙的动机。 5. Snoopy   suggests underhanded prying: Snoopy  指的是私下的打探: The snoopy neighbor watched our activities all day.喜欢窥探的邻居整天注视着我们的一举一动。6. Nosy   implies impertinent curiosity likened to that of an animal using its nose to examine or probe: Nosy  指的是象动物用鼻子去检查或试探一样的不礼貌的好奇心: I watched him flip through the letters on my desk in his nosy way. See also Synonyms at  &b{strange} 我看到他以好管闲事的方式轻翻着我桌子上的信件 参见同义词 strange




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