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单词 curl
释义 curl[kə:l]n. 拳曲, 鬈发vt. 弄卷vi. 拳曲, 弯曲【电】 旋度相关词组:curl upcurl oneself upmake sb's hair curl curl  curl  AHD:  [kûrl] D.J.  [kT8l]K.K.  [kPl]v.(动词)  curled,,curls及物动词)1. To twist (the hair, for example) into ringlets or coils.卷成小圈:把(头发等)卷曲成小环或小圈2. To form into a coiled or spiral shape:使…成盘旋状,使…成螺旋状:curled the ends of the ribbon.将缎带的两端卷成螺旋状3. To decorate with coiled or spiral shapes.装饰成盘旋状,装饰成螺旋状4. To raise and turn under (the upper lip), as in snarling or showing scorn.撇嘴,翘嘴:翘起或撇起(上嘴唇),如在咆哮或表示轻蔑时v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To form ringlets or coils.形成小环,形成小圈2. To assume a spiral or curved shape.呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状3. To move in a curve or spiral:呈曲线移动,螺旋状移动:The wave curled over the surfer.波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过4. Sports To engage in curling.【体育运动】 做冰上溜石游戏n.(名词)1. Something with a spiral or coiled shape.卷曲物,螺旋状物2. A coil or ringlet of hair.小卷发:头发上的小卷或弯曲3. A treatment in which the hair is curled.卷发:一种使头发卷曲的处理方法4. The act of curling:卷曲:卷曲的行为:the curl of a meandering river.河流弯弯曲曲地盘旋流动5. The state of being curled.卷曲:卷曲的状态6. Sports A weightlifting exercise using one or two hands, in which a barbell held at the thigh or to the side of the body is raised to the chest or shoulder and then lowered without moving the upper arms, shoulders, or back.【体育运动】 举重练习:一种举重练习,用单手或双手把位于大腿或体侧的杠铃举到胸部或肩部,然后再放下,并保持上臂、肩部和背部不动7. Any of various plant diseases in which the leaves roll up.卷叶病:任一种叶子呈卷曲状的植物疾病常用词组:curl up  To assume a position with the legs drawn up:蜷曲:将双腿向上耸起的姿势:The child curled up in an armchair to read.那个小孩蜷曲在沙发里看书语源:1. Middle English crullen, curlen 中古英语 crullen, curlen 2. from crulle [curly] 源自 crulle [蜷曲的] 3. [perhaps of Middle Low German origin] [可能源于中古低地德语]  Curl  Curl  AHD:  [kûrl] Robert Floyd, Jr. (Born 1933) D.J.  [kT8l]K.K.  [kPrl]NONE(无词性)American chemist who shared a 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering fullerenes.柯尔,罗伯特·佛罗德:美国化学家,因发现富勒烯与人分获1996年诺贝尔奖




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