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单词 curve
释义 curve[kə:v]n. 曲线, 弯曲, 曲线球vt. 弯, 使弯曲vi. 成曲形【医】 曲线【经】 曲线 curve  curve  AHD:  [kûrv] D.J.  [kT8v]K.K.  [kPv]n.(名词)1. A line that deviates from straightness in a smooth, continuous fashion.曲线:一条光滑并连续地偏离直线的线2. A surface that deviates from planarity in a smooth, continuous fashion.曲面:一个光滑且连续地偏离水平面的面3. Something characterized by such a line or surface, especially a rounded line or contour of the human body.弯曲物:具有曲线或曲面特征的东西,尤指圆形的线或人体的曲线轮廓4. A relatively smooth bend in a road or other course.转弯:一条道路或其它通路的相对平滑的弯曲处5. A line representing data on a graph.曲线:在图表上代表数据的一条线6. A trend derived from or as if from such a graph.曲线图趋势:从曲线图上或似乎从曲线图上呈现出的趋势7. A graphic representation showing the relative performance of individuals as measured against each other, used especially as a method of grading students in which the assignment of grades is based on predetermined proportions of students.成绩分布曲线:一种用来显示个人与他人比较时相对表现的图示,尤指用作给学生分等级的方法,这种分级法是建立在预先确定的学生比例之上的8. Mathematics 【数学】 9. The graph of a function on a coordinate plane.曲线图:一种能在坐标平面上表示某一函数的图形10. The intersection of two surfaces in three dimensions.两面相交:在立方体中的两个面的相交11. Baseball A curve ball.【棒球】 曲线球12. Slang A trick or deception.【俚语】 骗人,欺骗v.(动词)  curved,,curves v.intr.(不及物动词)To move in or take the shape of a curve:沿曲线运动,成曲线:The path curves around the lake.这条道路绕着湖延伸及物动词)1. To cause to curve.See Synonyms at bend 1使弯曲参见 bend12. Baseball To pitch a curve ball to.【棒球】 向…投曲线球3. To grade (students, for example) on a curve.打分数:在成绩分布曲线上给(学生等)分级语源:1. From Middle English [curved] 源自 中古英语 [弯曲的] 2. from Latin curvus * see  sker- 2源自 拉丁语 curvus *参见 sker- 2继承用法:curv“edness  n.(名词)curv“y  adj.(形容词)




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