单词 | 'd |
释义 | 'd 'd NONE(无词性)1. Had:Had:He'd already left.他已经离开了2. Would; should:Would;Should:I'd rather walk than drive.我宁愿步行也不愿乘车3. Did:Did:Who'd you ask?你问过谁了? D 1 D 1 NONE(无词性)1. The symbol for the isotope deuterium.氘的化学符号:同位素氘的符号2. Also d The symbol for the Roman numeral 500.也作 d 五百:代表罗马数字500的符号 D 2 D 2也作 D. abbr.(略语)Democrat ,democratic. Democrat,democratic. D- D- NONE(无词性)In biochemistry, a symbol used as a prefix to indicate the spatial configuration of certain organic compounds with asymmetric carbon atoms. It is used if an organic compound has a configuration about an asymmetric carbon atom analogous to that of D-glyceraldehyde (the arbitrarily chosen standard), in which the hydroxy (OH) functional group is on the right side of the asymmetric carbon atom.D-构型:在生物化学上的一个象征符号,用做前缀来指出某些有不对称碳原子的生物化合物的空间结构。它的使用是当一个生物化合物含有类似D甘油醛(任意被选择的标准)的不对称碳原子结构,其中的氧(OH)功能组就会在不对称碳原子的右边语源:From dextrorotatoryFrom dextrorotatory D. D. abbr.(略语)1. Department. Department.2. Deus. Deus.3. Diopter. Diopter.4. Doctor (in academic degrees).博士:博士(在学术学位中)5. Don [title] Don[头衔] 6. Duchess. Duchess.7. Duke. Duke. d 1 d 1或 D AHD: [d¶] D.J. [di8]K.K. [di]n.(名词) 【复数】 d's 或 D's 1. The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet.字母D:现代英语字母表中的第四个字母2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letterd. D音:字母d 所表示的读音 3. The fourth in a series.第四:序列中的第四4. Music 【音乐】 5. The second tone in the scale of C major or the fourth tone in the relative minor scale.D音,D调:C大调音阶的第二个音或C小调音阶中的第四个音6. A key or scale in which D is the tonic.D键,D阶:以D音为主调音的琴键或音阶7. A written or printed note representing this tone.D音符:代表D调的手写体或者印刷体的音符8. A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.D调乐器:调至D调音高的弦乐器、琴键或管乐器9. D The lowest passing grade given to a student in a school or college.D 学业成绩丁:在中学或大学里,给学生的最低及格的分数10. Something shaped like the letter D.D形物:形状象字母D的物体 d 2 d 2 abbr.(略语)1. Day. Day.2. Deuteron. Deuteron.3. Physics Down quark. 【物理学】 Down quark. d- d- NONE(无词性)The symbol for dextrorotatory The symbol for dextrorotatory d. d. abbr.(略语)1. Dam [zoology] Dam[动物学] 2. Date. Date.3. Daughter. Daughter.4. Also D. Deputy. 也作 D. Deputy.5. Died.死的6. Also D. Dose. 也作 D. Dose.7. Also D. Drachma. 也作 D. Drachma.8. Chiefly British Penny [&9{!/12} of a shilling] 【多用于英国】 Penny[一先令的十二分之一] |
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