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单词 damper
释义 damper['dæmpə]n. 令人扫兴的人, 增湿器, 阻尼器【化】 减震器相关词组:put a damper on damper  AHD:  [d²m“p…r] D.J.  [6d#mp*]K.K.  [6d#mp+]n.(名词)1. One that deadens, restrains, or depresses:抑制因素:使人麻木、抑制或压抑的人或事物:Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.大雨阻止了我们的野餐计划2. An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.挡板,调节风门:一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流3. Music 【音乐】 4. A device in various keyboard instruments for deadening the vibrations of the strings.制音器:在各种键盘乐器中,一种用来消除琴键震动的装置5. A mute for various brass instruments.减音器:各种铜管乐器中的一种减音器6. A device that eliminates or progressively diminishes vibrations or oscillations, as of a magnetic needle.阻尼器,避震器:用来消除或逐渐消除震动或摆动的设备,如磁针的




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