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单词 David
释义 David 1  Da.vid  AHD:  [d³“v¹d] (卒于 962) 公元前  D.J.  [6de!v!d]K.K.  [6dev!d]NONE(无词性)The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Old Testament, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.大卫:犹大和以色列的第二任国王,据旧约记载,他杀死了腓力斯巨人歌利亚,并且接替索尔任国王,他是许多赞美诗的据说的作者 David 2  David圣徒 (&b{520-600年})  NONE(无词性)Patron saint of Wales. His shrine at St. David's in southwest Wales was an important place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.圣戴维:威尔士的守护神,他在威尔士西南部的圣戴维圣地是中世纪时期朝圣的重要地点 David 3  Da.vid  AHD:  [dä“v…t] Gerard (1460?-1523) D.J.  [6d$8v*t]K.K.  [6d$v*t]NONE(无词性)Dutch painter of religious subjects who is regarded as one of the most important Flemish primitives.戴维,杰勒德:(1460?-1523) 荷兰宗教主题画家,他被认为是最重要的佛兰芒文艺复兴艺术家之一 David 4  Da.vid  AHD:  [dä-v¶d“] Jacques Louis (1748-1825) D.J.  [d$86vi8d]K.K.  [d$6vid]NONE(无词性)French painter known for his classicism and his commitment to the ideals of the French Revolution. His works includeThe Oath of the Horatii  (1785) and The Death of Marat  (1793). 大卫,雅克·路易斯:(1748-1825) 法国画家,因其古典主义和对法国革命理想的献身而闻名,他的作品有《贺拉提乌斯兄弟之誓》 (1785年)和 《马拉之死》 (1793年)




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