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单词 day
释义 day[dei]n. 天, 日子, 白天, 工作日【医】 日(一昼夜), 昼, 白天相关词组:all day longall the dayany dayby the daycall it a daycarry the dayclear as dayday and nightday by dayday in day outfrom day to dayday after dayhave one's dayif a daysome daythe other dayto this daywithout daywith each passing daymake someone's dayin a day or twowin the daylose the dayagainst a rainy day day  day  AHD:  [d³] D.J.  [de!]K.K.  [de]n.Abbr. d(名词)缩写 d1. The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.白天,白昼:黎明和黄昏之间有光的一段时间;从日出到日落的间隔2. The 24-hour period during which Earth completes one rotation on its axis.一天:地球绕轴完成一圈转动的二十四小时这段时间3. The period during which a celestial body makes a similar rotation.天体自转一周的时间:天体做类似自转的一段时间4. One of the numbered 24-hour periods into which a week, month, or year is divided.时间单位:星期、月或年被分隔成二十四小时期间之一5. The portion of a 24-hour period that is devoted to work, school, or business:时间段:二十四小时中用于工作、上学或经商的一部分:an eight-hour day; a sale that lasted for three days.八小时工作日;持续了三天的销售6. A 24-hour period or a portion of it that is reserved for a certain activity:特定活动的时间:仅用于某一特定的活动的二十四小时期间或其中的一部分:a day of rest.休息日7. A specific, characteristic period in one's lifetime:一生中某段的时光:在人的一生中某一特定的、独特的一段时期:That writer has had his day. In grandmother's day, skirts were long.那位作家曾辉煌一时。在祖母那个时代,裙子都很长8. A period of opportunity:机会:Every defendant is entitled to a day in court.每个被告都有机会出庭答辩9. A period of time in history; an era:历史上的一段时期;时代:We studied the tactics used in Napoleon's day. The day of computer science is well upon us.我们研究在拿破仑时代用过的策略。计算机科技时代正向我们走来adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to the day.白天的:属于或与白天有关的2. Working during the day:日间的:在白天工作的:the day nurse.早班护士3. Occurring before nightfall:在夜幕降临前出现的:a day hike.白天的徒步旅行习惯用语:day after day  For many days; continuously.许多天的;持续不断的day in, day out  Every day without fail; continuously.不间断的每一天的;持续不断的语源:1. Middle English dai, day 中古英语 dai, day 2. from Old English dæg * see  agh- 源自 古英语 dæg *参见 agh-  Day 1  Day  AHD:  [d³] Benjamin Henry (1810-1889) D.J.  [de!]K.K.  [de]NONE(无词性)American printer and journalist who founded the first penny newspaper, theNew York Sun  (1833). His son Benjamin  (1838-1916) invented the Ben Day process for shading printed illustrations. 戴,本杰明·亨利:(1810-1889) 美国印刷业者和新闻工作者,创办了第一份“便士”报纸,《纽约太阳报》 (1833年),他的儿子 本杰明 (1838-1916年)发明了浓淡印刷插图的本戴印刷法  Day 2  Day&B{Clarence Shepard, Jr.} (&b{1874-1935})  NONE(无词性)American writer best known for his autobiographicalLife with Father  (1935) and Life with Mother  (published 1937). 戴,小克拉伦斯·谢泼德:(1874-1935) 美国作家,最著名的是他的自传体《同父亲生活在一起》 (1935年)和 《同母亲生活在一起》 (出版于1937年)  Day 3  Day&B{Dorothy} (&b{1897-1980})  NONE(无词性)American journalist and reformer who cofounded theCatholic Worker  in 1933 to promote pacifism and social justice. 戴,多罗斯:(1897-1980) 美国新闻工作者和改革家,于1933年和人共同创办了《世界的工人》 来提倡和平主义和社会公正  Day 4  Day 或 Daye  AHD:  [d³] Stephen (1594?-1668) D.J.  [de!]K.K.  [de]NONE(无词性)English-born colonist who was the first printer in New England. HisBay Psalm Book  appeared in 1640. 戴,斯蒂芬:(1594?-1668) 英裔殖民主义者,他是新英格兰的第一位印刷商,他的《荣誉赞美诗书》 于1640年问世  Day 5  Day&B{William Rufus} (&b{1849-1923})  NONE(无词性)American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1903-1922).戴,威廉·卢富斯:(1849-1923) 美国法学家,曾任美国高级法院陪审法官(1903-1922年)




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