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单词 decide
释义 decide[di'said]vt. 决定, 判决vi. 决定, 判决相关词组:decide against doing sodecide against doing decide  de.cide  AHD:  [d¹-sºd“] D.J.  [d!6sa!d]K.K.  [d!6sa!d]v.(动词)  de.cid.ed,,de.cides及物动词)1. To settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about:解决:就…的争辩或不确定性做出最后的决定:decide a case; decided the dispute in favor of the workers.作出判决;在争论中作出有利于工人的决定2. To influence or determine the outcome of:决定:影响或决定…的结果:A few votes decided the election.一些选票决定了选举的结果3. To cause to make or reach a decision.使作出决定v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict.裁定,判定:宣布判决;宣布裁决2. To make up one's mind.下定决心语源:1. Middle English deciden 中古英语 deciden 2. from Old French decider 源自 古法语 decider 3. from Latin d¶c&9{ºdere} [to cut off, decide] 源自 拉丁语 d¶c&9{ºdere} [切断,决定] 4. d¶- [de-] d¶- [脱离] 5. caedere [to cut] * see  ka…-id- caedere [切] *参见 ka…-id- 继承用法:decidabil“ity  n.(名词)decid“able  adj.(形容词)decid“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. decide,determine,settle,rule,conclude,resolve2. These verbs are compared as they mean to make or cause to make a decision.这些动词表示使作出决定的意思时可以进行比较。3. Decide  is the least specific: Decide  最为普通: Her parents' pleas decided her against dropping out of college.“她父母的请求使她拿定主意不中途辍学”。4. Determine  often involves somewhat narrower issues: Determine  常涉及范围比较狭小的问题: A jury will determine whether the charges are true or false.陪审团将对这项指控的真伪作出裁决。5. Settle   stresses finality of decision: Settle  强调解决的定局: “The lama waved a hand to show that the matter was finally settled in his mind” (Rudyard Kipling).“这个喇嘛挥挥手表示那个问题终于在他心里得到了解决” (拉得雅得·吉卜林)。6. Rule  implies that the decision is handed down by someone in authority: Rule  有决定是由某个掌权的人正式公布的意思: The faculty committee ruled that changes in the curriculum should be implemented.校务委员会决定课程的改动必须得到执行。7. Conclude  suggests that a decision, opinion, or judgment has been arrived at after careful consideration: Conclude  意为经过深思熟虑达成的决定: She concluded that it would be better to ignore the criticism.她作出决定,最好还是不理睬那些批评。8. Resolve  stresses the exercise of choice in making a firm decision: Resolve  强调作出不可变更的决定时进行的选择: We resolved that nothing they said could induce us to trust them. 我们下定决心,他们所说的一切都无法使我们相信他们




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