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单词 deck
释义 deck[dek]n. 甲板, (汽车后部的)行李仓vt. 装饰, 打扮, 装甲板【计】 纸牌背面图案相关词组:deck out with...on deck deck 1  deck 1  AHD:  [dµk] D.J.  [dek]K.K.  [dWk]n.Abbr. dk.(名词)缩写 dk.1. Nautical A platform extending horizontally from one side of a ship to the other.【航海】 甲板,舱面:从船的一侧向另一侧水平延伸的平台2. A platform or surface likened to a ship's deck.平台:象船甲板一样的层面3. A roofless, floored area, typically with low sides, that adjoins a house.露台:无屋顶但有地板的平台,典型的舞台带矮小的侧边,与房屋相连4. The roadway of a bridge or an elevated freeway.行车道:指桥梁的行车道或指高架的公路5. A pack of playing cards.一副扑克牌6. Computer Science A group of data processing cards.【计算机科学】 卡片组,卡片叠:一组处理数据的卡片7. A tape deck.磁带驱动器:磁带的走带装置8. Slang A packet of narcotics.【俚语】 一包毒品及物动词)  decked,,decks 1. To furnish with or as if with a deck.给…铺上甲板2. Slang To knock down with force:【俚语】 用力击倒:He decked his sparring partner.他击倒了拳击训练时的对手习惯用语:clear the deck【非正式用语】  To prepare for action.准备开始行动hit the deck【俚语】  1. To get out of bed.起床2. To fall or drop to a prone position.倒下呈俯卧姿势3. To prepare for action.准备开始行动on deck  1. On hand; present.在手头;在场的2. Sports Waiting to take one's turn, especially as a batter in baseball.【体育运动】 准备下一个上场:击球员准备下一个上场的,尤指在棒球运动中语源:1. Middle English dekke 中古英语 dekke 2. from Middle Dutch dec [roof, covering] * see  (s)teg- 源自 中古荷兰语 dec [屋顶,覆盖物] *参见 (s)teg-  deck 2  deck 2  AHD:  [dµk] D.J.  [dek]K.K.  [dWk]及物动词)  decked,,decks 1. To clothe with finery; adorn. Often used without : 打扮:穿上雅丽的服装;佩戴。常与out 连用: We were all decked out for the party.我们都打扮好准备去赴宴2. To decorate:装饰:decked the halls for the holidays.为节日装饰厅堂语源:1. Dutch dekken [to cover] 荷兰语 dekken [覆盖] 2. from Middle Dutch decken * see  (s)teg- 源自 中古荷兰语 decken *参见 (s)teg-




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