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单词 decoy
释义 decoy[di'kɒi]n. 圈套, 诱骗vt. 诱骗【电】 引捕器 decoy  de.coy  AHD:  [d¶“koi”, d¹-koi“] D.J.  [6di87k%!, d!6k%!]K.K.  [6di7k%!, d!6k%!]n.(名词)1. A living or artificial bird or other animal used to entice game into a trap or within shooting range.诱鸟,诱饵:用来把猎物诱捕入陷阱或诱捕入射击范围的活的或假的鸟或其它动物2. An enclosed place, such as a pond, into which wildfowl are lured for capture.圈套:围起来的地方,如池塘,可把野鸡诱捕在里面3. A means used to mislead or lead into danger.诱捕:一种手段,用以把…引入危险的境地及物动词)  de.coyed,,de.coys[d¹-koi“]  To lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy.See Synonyms at lure 诱捕:用诱饵吸引或设陷阱参见 lure语源:1. Possibly from Dutch de kooi [the cage] 可能源自 荷兰语 de kooi [笼子] 2. de [the]  from Middle Dutch * see  to- de [这]  源自 中古荷兰语 *参见 to- 3. kooi [cage]  from Middle Dutch c½ie  from Latin cavea kooi [笼子]  源自 中古荷兰语 c½ie  源自 拉丁语 cavea 继承用法:decoy“er  n.(名词)




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