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单词 defend
释义 defend[di'fend]vt. 防护, 辩护, 防卫【法】 作...的辩护律师, 辩护, 为...答辩相关词组:defend A from B defend  de.fend  AHD:  [d¹-fµnd“] D.J.  [d!6fend]K.K.  [d!6fWnd]v.(动词)  de.fend.ed,,de.fends及物动词)1. To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm.保卫:使安全或保持安全,没危险,不受攻击或伤害2. To support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify.支持:支持或维护,如通过争辩或采取行动;为…辩护3. Law 【法律】 4. To represent (a defendant) in a civil or criminal action.辩护:为(被告)的民事或刑事诉讼进行辩护5. To attempt to disprove or invalidate (an action or a claim).抗辩:试图证明(诉讼或声明)是错的,或使(诉讼或声明)无效v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a defense.防御,保卫,保护语源:1. Middle English defenden 中古英语 defenden 2. from Old French defendre 源自 古法语 defendre 3. from Latin d¶fendere [to ward off] * see  g when- 源自 拉丁语 d¶fendere [避开,挡开] *参见 g when- 继承用法:defend“able  adj.(形容词)defend“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. defend,protect,guard,preserve,shield,safeguard2. These verbs mean to make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm.这些动词的意思是:使安全或保持安全状态不遭受危险、攻击或伤害。3. Defend  implies the taking of measures to repel an attack: Defend  含有采取措施抵制进攻的意思: tried to defend his reputation.试图保护他的声誉。4. Protect  often suggests providing a cover to repel discomfort, injury, or attack: Protect  常含有提供安全的方式来驱开不适、伤害或进攻: has to learn to protect herself.不得不学会自我保护。5. Guard  suggests keeping watch: Guard  含有看守的意思: guarded the house against intruders. To 看守房子以警戒入侵者。 6. preserve  is to take measures to maintain something in safety: Preserve  指采取措施维护…的安全: ecologists working to preserve our natural resources.为保护我们的自然资源工作的生态学家们。7. Shield  suggests protection likened to a piece of defensive armor interposed between the threat and the threatened: Shield  含有保卫的意思,就象挡在威胁者和受威胁者之间的防御性甲胄: His lawyers tried to shield him from the angry reporters.他的律师试图保护他避开愤怒的记者。8. Safeguard   stresses protection against potential or less imminent dangerand often implies preventive action: Safeguard  强调保护不遭受潜在的或不那么迫近的危险,常含有防御性行动的意思: The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。




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