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单词 defense mechanism
释义 defense mechanism【医】 防御机理, 防卫机理 defense mechanism  defense mechanism  n.(名词)1. Biology A physiological reaction of an organism used in self-protection, as against infection.【生物学】 防卫机制:生物体的一种生理反应,用于自我保护,如防止感染2. Psychology Any of a variety of mental devices, usually unconscious, that an individual may use to protect the ego from shame, anxiety, conflict, loss of self-esteem, or other unacceptable feelings or thoughts. Defense mechanisms, commonly used in coping with problems, include behaviors such as repression, projection, denial, and rationalization.【心理学】 防卫机制:通常是无意识的一种心理机制,个体用来保护自己,排除害羞、焦虑、心里冲突、丧失自尊或其它不可接受的感情或思想等不良因素。自我防卫机制,常用于处理问题的过程中,包括压抑、心里投射、拒绝和使合理化等行为




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