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单词 definite
释义 definite['definit]a. 明确的, 一定的【法】 明确的, 确切的, 一定的 definite  def.i.nite  AHD:  [dµf“…-n¹t] D.J.  [6def*n!t]K.K.  [6dWf*n!t]adj.(形容词)1. Having distinct limits:明确的:有清楚的限制的:definite restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages.关于销售酒类有明确的限制2. Indisputable; certain:肯定的:不容置疑的;一定的:a definite victory.确定的胜利3. Clearly defined; explicitly precise:确切的:解释清楚的;非常精确的:a definite statement of the terms of the will.See Synonyms at &b{explicit} 遗嘱条款的精确解释参见 explicit4. Abbr. def.Grammar Limiting or particularizing.缩写 def.【语法】 一定的:限定的或特别提出的5. Botany 【植物学】 6. Of a specified number not exceeding 20, as certain floral organs, especially stamens.有定数的:特定数目不超过二十的,如某些花的器官,尤指雄蕊7. Cymose; determinate.聚伞花序的;依序绽放的语源:1. Middle English diffinite [defined] 中古英语 diffinite [限定的] 2. from Latin d¶f&9{ºn&9{º}tus} [past participle of] d¶f&9{º}n&9{º}re [to define] * see  define 源自 拉丁语 d¶f&9{ºn&9{º}tus}  [] d¶f&9{º}n&9{º}re的过去分词 [限定] *参见 define继承用法:def“initely  adv.(副词)def“initeness  n.(名词)用法:Definite and definitive both apply to what is precisely defined or explicitly set forth. Butdefinitive  generally refers specifically to a judgment or description that serves as a standard or reference point for others, as inthe definitive decision of the court  (which sets forth a final resolution of a judicial matter) orthe definitive biography of Nelson  (i.e., the biography that sets the standard against which all other accounts of Nelson's life must be measured). Definite 和 definitive 都适用于指被精确限定或清楚地公布出来的东西。 但definitive 通常特指作为对其它事物的标准或参照点的判断或描述, 如在法庭的最终判决 中(为案件提出了决定性决议的最终判决), 或纳尔逊的可靠的传记 (指一种传记,为有关纳尔逊的生活所作的其它叙述提出参照标准)




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