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单词 delicate
释义 delicate['delikət]a. 细致优雅的, 微妙的, 美味的【医】 柔弱的 delicate  del.i.cate  AHD:  [dµl“¹-k¹t] D.J.  [6del!k!t]K.K.  [6dWl!k!t]adj.(形容词)1. Pleasing to the senses, especially in a subtle way:精美的:愉悦于感官的,尤指以微妙难以察觉的方式:a delicate flavor; a delicate violin passage.精美的口味;优雅的小提琴乐章2. Exquisitely fine or dainty:精细的,雅致的:delicate china.精美的瓷器3. Frail in constitution or health.体弱的,羸弱的:体质或健康娇弱的4. Easily broken or damaged:脆弱的,易损坏的:a kite too delicate to fly.太易损坏而无法飞起来的风筝5. Marked by sensitivity of discrimination:敏锐的:具有敏锐辨别力特征的:a critic's delicate perception.一个评论家敏锐的洞察力6. Considerate of the feelings of others.体贴的:体谅他人感情的7. Concerned with propriety.得体的,优雅的8. Squeamish or fastidious.神经质的,爱挑剔的9. Requiring tactful treatment:微妙的,棘手的:要求处理手段圆滑的:a delicate situation.微妙的局势10. Fine or soft in touch or skill:细腻的:触摸或技巧柔和的:a surgeon's delicate touch.外科医生轻柔的触摸11. Measuring, indicating, or responding to very small changes; precise:灵敏的:能测量出、指示出、反应出微小变化的;精确的:a delicate set of scales.精密的刻度12. Very subtle in difference or distinction.细微的:难以区分或区别的语源:1. Middle English delicat 中古英语 delicat 2. French délicat 法语 délicat 3. both from Latin d¶lic³tus [pleasing] 都源自 拉丁语 d¶lic³tus [令人愉悦的] 继承用法:del“icately  adv.(副词)del“icateness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. delicate,choice,dainty,elegant,exquisite,fine2. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “appealing to refined taste”: 这些形容词共有的主要的意思是“吸引人的高雅品味的”: the finest embroidery. See also Synonyms at  &b{fragile} 精美细致的刺绣 参见同义词 fragile




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