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单词 dense
释义 dense[dens]a. 密集的, 浓厚的 dense  dense  AHD:  [dµns] D.J.  [dens]K.K.  [dWns]adj.(形容词),dens.est 1. Having relatively high density.稠密的:有相对较高的密度的2. Crowded closely together; compact:密集的:十分拥挤的;紧密的:a dense population.稠密的人口3. Hard to penetrate; thick:浓密的:难以穿透的;浓厚的:a dense jungle.浓密的丛林4. Permitting little light to pass through, because of compactness of matter:不透光的:由于物质致密而几乎不允许光透过:dense glass; a dense fog.毛玻璃;浓雾5. Opaque, with good contrast between light and dark areas. Used of a photographic negative.反差强的:不透明的,在黑白区域之间有很好反差的。常用于照相底片6. Difficult to understand because of complexity or obscurity:晦涩难懂的:因为复杂或含糊而难以理解的:a dense novel.一篇晦涩难懂的小说7. Slow to apprehend; thickheaded.See Synonyms at stupid 笨的:理解力慢的;笨脑瓜的参见 stupid语源:Latin d¶nsus 拉丁语 d¶nsus 继承用法:dense“ly  adv.(副词)dense“ness  n.(名词)




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