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单词 department
释义 department[di'pɑ:tmənt]n. 部门, 系, 机关【医】 部, 科 department  de.part.ment  AHD:  [d¹-pärt“m…nt] D.J.  [d!6p$8tm*nt]K.K.  [d!6p$rtm*nt]n.Abbr. dept.,dpt.,dep.,D.(名词)缩写 dept.,dpt.,dep.,D.1. A distinct, usually specialized division of a large organization, especially:部门,科系:一个大组织的确定的、通常是专门的部门,尤其指:2. A principal administrative division of a government:(政府)部门:政府主要的行政部门:the fire department; the department of public works.消防部门;公共事务部3. A division of a business specializing in a particular product or service:(商业)部门:专营某种特定产品或服务的商业部门:the personnel department.人事部门4. A division of a school or college dealing with a particular field of knowledge:(学校)系:学校(或学院)研究某一特定领域的部门:the physics department.物理系5. Department One of the principal executive divisions of the federal government of the United States, headed by a cabinet officer.Department 部:美国联邦政府的一个主要行政部门,由内阁官员领导6. A section of a department store selling a particular line of merchandise:(百货商店)部:百货商店卖某一特定种类的商品的地方:the home furnishings department.家具部7. An administrative district in France.(法国的)行政区8. Informal An area of particular knowledge or responsibility; a specialty:【非正式用语】 专业,职责:某一领域的专门知识或责任;专长:Getting the kids to bed is my department.哄孩子们上床睡觉是我的专长语源:1. French département 法语 département 2. from Old French [separation] 源自 古法语 [区分] 3. from departir [to divide] * see  depart 源自 departir [划分] *参见 depart继承用法:de”partmen“tal  AHD:  [d¶”pärt-mµn“tl] (形容词)de”partmen“tally  adv.(副词)




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