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单词 derivation
释义 derivation[,deri'veiʃən]n. 推论, 推导, 来历【医】 衍化, 诱导 derivation  AHD:  [dµr”…-v³“sh…n] D.J.  [7der*6ve!.*n]K.K.  [7dWr*6ve.*n]n.Abbr. der.,deriv.(名词)缩写 der.,deriv.1. The act or process of deriving.推导:推导的行为或过程2. The state or fact of being derived; originating:导出:被推导的状态或事实;源自:a custom of recent derivation.近来才形成的风俗3. Something derived; a derivative.派生:派生物;导出物4. The form or source from which something is derived; an origin.起源:导出某物的形式或源泉;开端5. The historical origin and development of a word; an etymology.词源:一个词的历史起源及演变;(某字的)语源6. Linguistics 【语言学】 7. The process by which words are formed from existing words or bases by adding affixes, assinger  from sing  or undo  from do,  by changing the shape of the word or base, as song  from sing,  or by adding an affix and changing the pronunciation of the word or base, as electricity  from electric.  衍生:通过在已存在的词或词根后加上词缀,例如从sing(唱歌)  到 singer(歌唱家) 或从 do(做)  到 undo(解开,不做) ,或通过改变词或词根的形状,例如从 sing(唱歌) 到 song(歌曲) ,或是通过加一词缀并变化该词或词根的发音,例如从 electric(电子) 到 electricity(电,电力)  8. A linguistic description of the process of word formation.衍生学:构词过程的语学描述9. Logic Mathematics A logical or mathematical process indicating through a sequence of statements that a result such as a theorem or a formula necessarily follows from the initial assumptions.【逻辑学】 【数学】 推导:逻辑推理和数学演算过程,表明定理或公式是最初假设的必然结论继承用法:der”iva“tional  adj.(形容词)




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