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单词 destine
释义 destine['destin]vt. 注定, 预定 destine  des.tine  AHD:  [dµs“t¹n] D.J.  [6dest!n]K.K.  [6dWst!n]及物动词)  des.tined,,des.tines 1. To determine beforehand; preordain:预定:事先决定;预定:a foolish scheme destined to fail; a film destined to become a classic.一个注定要失败的愚蠢方案;一部必定会成为经典的电影2. To assign for a specific end, use, or purpose:指定:为特定目的或用处而指定:money destined to pay for their child's education.被指定用来偿付他们孩子的教育费用的钱3. To direct toward a given destination:朝着…:朝着一个给定的目的地:a flight destined for Tokyo.以东京为目的地的飞行语源:1. Middle English destinen 中古英语 destinen 2. from Old French destiner 源自 古法语 destiner 3. from Latin d¶stin³re [to determine] * see  st³- 源自 拉丁语 d¶stin³re [决定] *参见 st³-




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