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单词 destroy
释义 destroy[di'strɒi]vt. 破坏, 毁坏, 消灭 destroy  de.stroy  AHD:  [d¹-stroi“] D.J.  [d!6str%!]K.K.  [d!6str%!]v.(动词)  de.stroyed,,de.stroys及物动词)1. To ruin completely; spoil:完全破坏;消灭:The ancient manuscripts were destroyed by fire.古代手稿被大火吞噬了2. To tear down or break up; demolish.See Synonyms at ruin 摧毁:推翻,解体;拆毁参见 ruin3. To do away with; put an end to:使终结:“In crowded populations, poverty destroys the possibility of cleanliness”(&b{George Bernard Shaw})“在人口拥挤的地方,贫困使清洁毫无可能”(乔治·萧伯纳)4. To kill:杀死:destroy a rabid dog.杀死疯狗5. To subdue or defeat completely; crush:打垮:完全屈服,完全被打败;压服:The rebel forces were destroyed in battle.反叛力量在战争中被打垮了6. To render useless or ineffective:使无用;使无效:destroyed the testimony of the prosecution's chief witness.使原告及其律师的主要证人的证据无效v.intr.(不及物动词)To be destructive; cause destruction:被摧毁;导致破坏:“Too much money destroys as surely as too little”(&b{John Simon})“过多的钱和过少的钱一样会带来破坏作用”(约翰·西蒙)语源:1. Middle English destroien 中古英语 destroien 2. from Old French destruire 源自 古法语 destruire 3. from Vulgar Latin *d¶str&9{¿gere} 源自 俗拉丁语 *d¶str&9{¿gere} 4. from Latin d¶struere 源自 拉丁语 d¶struere 5. d¶- [de-] d¶- [前缀,表“降低”] 6. struere [to pile up] * see  ster- 2struere [堆积] *参见 ster- 2




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