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单词 dexterous
释义 dexterous['dekstərəs]a. 灵巧的, 惯用右手的 dexterous  dex.ter.ous  AHD:  [dµk“st…r-…s, -str…s]  也作 dex.trous [-str…s] D.J.  [6dekst*r*s, -str*s] 也作 dex.trous [-str*s]K.K.  [6dWkst*r*s, -str*s] 也作 dex.trous [-str*s]adj.(形容词)1. Skillful in the use of the hands.灵巧的:手的使用熟练的2. Having mental skill or adroitness.机敏,聪明:有脑力上的机智或伶俐的3. Done with dexterity.用右手的:惯用右手工作的语源:From Latin dexter [skillful] 源自 拉丁语 dexter [熟练的] 继承用法:dex“terously  adv.(副词)dex“terousness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. dexterous,deft,adroit,handy,nimble2. These adjectives refer to skill and ease in performance.这些形容词的特性指熟练和灵巧的表现。3. Dexterous  implies physical or mental agility: Dexterous  指身手或头脑敏捷的: “This study [of law] &I{renders men acute, inquisitive, dexterous, prompt in attack, ready in defense, full of resources”}  (Edmund Burke).“这项 研究指出男人敏锐,机警,进攻果断,随时准备防御、充满机智”  (埃德蒙·柏克)。4. Deft  suggests quickness, sureness, neatness, and lightness of touch: Deft  表示快捷,果敢,熟练,轻巧: defused the hostility with a deft turn of phrase.用巧妙的措辞去除了敌意。5. Adroit  implies ease and natural skill, especially in dealing with challenging situations: Adroit  暗示自在,自然巧妙尤指处理引起争议的局面: an adroit negotiator.灵活的谈判者。6. Handy  suggests a more modest aptitude, principally in manual work: Handy  表示更加敏锐,特指体力劳动: handy with a saw and hammer.熟练地使用锯和锤。7. Nimble  stresses quickness and lightness in physical or mental performance: Nimble  指体力或脑力运行快捷: nimble wits. 敏捷的才智




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