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单词 diapason
释义 diapason[daiə'peisn]n. 和音, 标准音高, 旋律, 曲调【医】 检耳音叉 diapason  AHD:  [dº”…-p³“z…n, -s…n] D.J.  [7da!*6pe!z*n, -s*n]K.K.  [7da!*6pez*n, -s*n]n.Music (名词)【音乐】 1. A full, rich outpouring of harmonious sound.和谐:一种饱满、奔放的和音的流露2. The entire range of an instrument or voice.音域:乐器或声音的整个音域3. Either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument.主音枪:风琴上包括乐器全音域的两个主音栓之一4. The interval and the consonance of an octave.八音度的音程和和音5. A standard indication of pitch.音高的标准指示6. A tuning fork.音叉语源:1. Middle English diapasoun 中古英语 diapasoun 2. from Latin diap³s½n [the whole octave] 源自 拉丁语 diap³s½n [整个八音度] 3. from Greek (dia) pas½n (khord½n) [(through) all (the notes)] [feminine genitive pl. of] pas * see  pant- 源自 希腊语 (dia) pas½n (khord½n) [(通过)所有(音符)]  [] pas的阴性所有格复数 *参见 pant-




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