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单词 diorama
释义 diorama[daiə'rɑ:mə]n. 透视画, 西洋景, 立体模型 diorama  di.o.ram.a  AHD:  [dº”…-r²m“…, -rä“m…] D.J.  [7da!*6r#m*, -6r$8m*]K.K.  [7da!*6r#m*, -6r$m*]n.(名词)1. A three-dimensional miniature or life-size scene in which figures, stuffed wildlife, or other objects are arranged in a naturalistic setting against a painted background.立体布景:一个三维画像或逼真的物件放在写实的背景画面前2. A scene reproduced on cloth transparencies with various lights shining through the cloths to produce changes in effect, intended for viewing at a distance through an aperture.透明幕上的画面:从孔中窥视到一段距离外部透明画面上的风景,通过变动透过画面的光线,可获得不同的画面效果语源:1. French 法语 2. blend of dia- [through]  from Greek * see  dia- 混合了 dia- [通过]  源自 希腊语 *参见 dia-3. panorama [panorama]  from English * see  panorama panorama [活动画景]  源自 英语 *参见 panorama继承用法:di”oram“ic  AHD:  [-r²m“¹k] (形容词)




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