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单词 akimbo
释义 akimbo[ə'kimbəu]a. 两手叉腰的ad. 两手叉腰 akimbo  AHD:  […-k¹m“b½] D.J.  [*6k!mb*&]K.K.  [*6k!mbo]adv.(副词)In or into a position in which the hands are on the hips and the elbows are bowed outward:双手叉腰地:处于两手放在腰臀部,两肘向外的姿势:children standing akimbo by the fence.双手叉腰站在篱笆附近的孩子们adj.(形容词)1. Placed in such a way as to have the hands on the hips and the elbows bowed outward:双手叉腰的:双手放在腰臀部,两肘向外来摆姿势的:children standing with arms akimbo.双手叉腰站着的孩子们2. Being in a bent, bowed, or arched position:弯曲着的:处于弯曲、弯腰或拱形的姿式的:“There he remained, dead to the world, limbs akimbo, until we left”(&b{Alex Shoumatoff})“&I{[She]}  often skips into a veritable ballet of akimbo limbs” (&b{Jack Kroll})“直到我们离去他一直四肢弯曲着呆在那儿,对外界全然不顾”(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)“[她] 常常能跳出四肢弯曲的真正的芭蕾舞动作” (杰克·克罗尔)语源:Middle English in kenebowe 中古英语 in kenebowe




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