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单词 discomfit
释义 discomfit[dis'kʌmfit]vt. 打乱, 挫败, 使破灭 discomfit  AHD:  [d¹s-k¾m“f¹t] D.J.  [d!s6kJmf!t]K.K.  [d!s6kJmf!t]及物动词),, 1. To make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert.See Synonyms at embarrass 使窘迫,使困惑;使惊慌参见 embarrass2. To thwart the plans of; frustrate.使计划破灭;挫败3. Archaic To defeat in battle; vanquish.【古语】 在战场上打败;征服n.(名词)Discomfiture.挫败;困窘语源:1. Middle English discomfiten 中古英语 discomfiten 2. from Old French desconfit [past participle of] desconfire, descumfire [to defeat] 源自 古法语 desconfit  [] desconfire, descumfire的过去分词 [击败] 3. des- [dis-] des- [表示“不,除去”的意思] 4. confire [to make]  from Latin c½nficere [to prepare] * see  comfit confire [制造]  源自 拉丁语 c½nficere [准备] *参见 comfit用法:It is true thatdiscomfit  originally meant “to defeat, frustrate,” and that its newer use meaning “to embarrass, disconcert,”probably arose in part through confusion withdiscomfort.  But the newer sense is now the most common use of the verb in all varieties of writingand should be considered entirely standard.discomfit 起初确实意为“打败,挫败”, 该词的新意义是“使困窘,使窘迫”,这个词义的生成部分原因,可能是由于和discomfort 的混淆引起。 但是新的词义现在在各种写作中是该动词的最普遍的用法,应被看作是完全标准的




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