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单词 dismount
释义 dismount[dis'maunt]vt. (使)下马vi. (使)下马【计】 卸除卷 dismount  dis.mount  AHD:  [d¹s-mount“] D.J.  [d!s6ma&nt]K.K.  [d!s6ma&nt]AHD:  [d¹s“mount”] v.(动词)  dis.mount.ed,,dis.mounts v.intr.(不及物动词)To get off or down, as from a horse or vehicle.下马,下车:离开或向下,如从马或车辆上及物动词)1. To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.从支撑物、底板、底座取下,卸下2. To unseat or throw off, as from a horse.使下(马),使掉下(马)3. To disassemble (a mechanism, for example).拆开(机器等)n.(名词)1. The act or manner of dismounting, especially from a horse.摔下,下马,下车:下来的动作或方式,尤指下马2. Sports A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet.【体育运动】 下;下法:体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地语源:1. Probably alteration of obsolete French desmonter [to unseat] 可能为 已废法语 desmonter的变化 [使退位,使摔下马] 2. des- [dis-] des- [表示“除去,分离”的意思] 3. monter [to mount] * see  mount 1monter [骑上,登上] *参见 mount1继承用法:dismount“able  adj.(形容词)




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