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单词 alarm
释义 alarm[ə'lɑ:m]n. 惊恐, 警报, 警钟vt. 使惊恐, 警告【计】 报警信号 alarm  a.larm  AHD:  […-lärm“] D.J.  [*6l$8m]K.K.  [*6l$rm]n.(名词)1. A sudden fear caused by the realization of danger.惊恐:意识到危险后所引起的突然恐惧2. A warning of existing or approaching danger.警报:对存在或即将到来的危险的警告3. Abbr. almAn electrical, electronic, or mechanical device that serves to warn of danger by means of a sound or signal.缩写 alm警报器,警钟:一种电力的、电子的或机械的装置,通过发出声音或信号来表示对危险的警告4. The sounding mechanism of an alarm clock.闹铃:闹钟发出响声的机械装置5. A call to arms.动员令:号召武装的信号及物动词)  a.larmed,,a.larms 1. To fill with alarm; frighten.使惊恐:使充满惊恐;恐吓2. To give warning to.警告…语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French alarme 源自 古法语 alarme 3. from Old Italian allarme 源自 古意大利语 allarme 4. from all'arme [to arms] 源自 all'arme [武装] 5. alla [to the]  from Latin ad illa  ad- [ad-]  illa [pl. of] illud [the] * see  al- 1alla [对于…]  源自 拉丁语 ad illa  ad- [前缀,表“朝向”]  illa  [] illud的复数 [定冠词the] *参见 al- 16. arme [arms]  from Latin arma * see  ar- arme [武装,武器]  源自 拉丁语 arma *参见 ar- 继承用法:alarm“ingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. alarm,alert,tocsin,warning2. The central meaning shared by these nouns is “a signal that warns of imminent danger”: 这些名词共有的中心意思是“对即将到来的危险发出警告的信号”: factory whistles sounding a forest-fire warning.. See also Synonyms at  &b{fear} ,&b{frighten} 传达森林起火警报的工厂哨声 参见同义词 fear,frighten




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