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单词 disturb
释义 disturb[dis'tə:b]vt. 扰乱, 妨碍, 使不安【法】 滋扰, 扰乱 disturb  dis.turb  AHD:  [d¹-stûrb“] D.J.  [d!6stT8b]K.K.  [d!6stPb]及物动词)  dis.turbed,,dis.turbs 1. To break up or destroy the tranquillity or settled state of:使骚动,使不安:打断或破坏安宁或安定的状态:“Subterranean fires and deep unrest disturb the whole area”(&b{Rachel Carson})“暗中的破坏和激烈的动荡使得整个地区陷于不安”(雷切尔·卡森)2. To trouble emotionally or mentally; upset.使烦恼,使不安:使情绪或精神烦躁;使不安3. To interfere with; interrupt:妨碍;打扰:noise that disturbed my sleep.妨碍我睡觉的噪音4. To intrude on; inconvenience:干涉,妨碍;干扰:Constant calls disturbed her work.应接不暇的电话妨碍了她的工作5. To put out of order; disarrange.使混动;扰乱语源:1. Middle English distourben 中古英语 distourben 2. from Old French destourber 源自 古法语 destourber 3. from Latin disturb³re 源自 拉丁语 disturb³re 4. Latin dis- [dis-] 拉丁语 dis- [表示“不,相反”之意] 5. Latin turb³re [to agitate]  from turba [confusion]  probably from Greek turb¶ 拉丁语 turb³re [鼓动,使焦虑]  源自 turba [混乱,杂乱,骚乱]  可能源自 希腊语 turb¶ 继承用法:disturb“er  n.(名词)disturb“ingly  adv.(副词)




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